I love it when shows change up the format of the episode and bring us a new dynamic. Well this episode did just that when bringing in Felicity's mother Donna. She has been mentioned but we have never seen any of Felicity's family members and her mother was a welcomed addition. I have to say it was a bit strange when the first 5 minutes or so feel like a completely different show tone wise, but the scenes got better and better. After all seeing Felicity working out to open the show was a bit strange.

With that said the flashback scenes were a bit boring and predictable. Also didn't we all know the real hacker was going to be her supposed dead ex boyfriend? What this episode did really well was the overarching theme of family. Whether it was the Thea-Oliver scenes or Felcity-Donna scenes it really had a lighter tone to our typical dose of Arrow.

This episode also gave us some of the most subtly hilarious moments of the season. Watching Diggle walk into Verdant with Sara strapped on him was priceless, as was both Diggle and Oliver's meeting with Felicity's mom. Their facial expressions told all, but let's face it, weren't we all thinking the same thing? This episode also gave us a few clarifications on things I have been questioning for awhile. Like what does Oliver do when Thea is right upstairs working at Verdant when he wants to go fight crime? Take the back exit. Or like Felicity said "Do we know half the things you went through on your 5 years away?". Oliver avoids the question of course because i'm not sure even the writers know exactly what he did those last few years just yet. And of course it was great to see Diggle wearing a mask out in the field considering he's making it pretty obvious The Arrow is Oliver if he's at every scene of the crime without any sort of mask.

Few other moments to mention was Diggle and Roy leaving the conversation between Felicity and Oliver when it got emotional. Or even Felicity kicking some butt at the end was a nice touch (and Oliver's reaction to that was also priceless). So overall this episode was a welcomed change-up to Arrow's normal style. Now will we get to finally find out who killed Sara? I can tell you right now I don't believe it's Roy. My guess is still Talia.

+Welcomed change to Arrow's storytelling style 

+Felicity shines (and kicks butt) 

+Diggle walks in with the baby 

+Family themed 

+Arrow's funniest episode 

-Predictable flashbacks 

-So why again did the villain feel the need to try and kill Felicity? 



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